If you don’t know about Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Ticket Price, no problem. Because after reading this complete post, you will know the correct and accurate information about Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price. It is one of the busiest roads of Bangladesh Railway.
Every day thousands of people regularly travel by train from Dhaka to Jamalpur. Bangladesh Railway is operating innumerable trains to make the transportation system of this huge population more beautiful and hassle-free. So you can easily travel from your destination by train.
There are some things you need to know before you start your journey. These are Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price. Knowing these will help you to keep your journey from unwanted jams. So let’s look at Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Ticket Price.
Table of Contents
- Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Route Other Information
- Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule
- Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Route Other Information
Before you know about Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Ticket Price, you need to know more information. If you know them, maybe you can plan your trip more beautifully.
Dhaka to Jamalpur Distance | 430 Kilometer |
Total Number of Train (Daily) | 8 |
Total Number of Intercity Trains | 4 |
Total Number of Mail/Express Trains | 3 |
Dhaka to Jamalpur (First Train) | Dewangonj Commuter (47) |
Dhaka to Jamalpur (Last Train) | Vawal Express (55) |
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule
Before you know about Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Ticket Price, you need to know more information. If you know them, maybe you can plan your trip more beautifully.
Before traveling by train to any place, you must know the detailed information about the train schedule of that place from your destination. Traveling from Dhaka to Jamalpur is not uncommon. You already know that Intercity and Mail / Express Train run on this road. So you can travel from Dhaka to Jamalpur by booking a train ticket from any of these two types of trains as per your requirement.
We will give details about Dhaka to Jamalpur Intercity Train Schedule and Dhaka to Jamalpur Mail Train Schedule. You can find out the details about what you need. So let’s take a look at Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule.
Dhaka to Jamalpur Intercity Train Schedule
This route has a total of 5 Intercity Trains running daily. You can take any train to travel from Dhaka to Jamalpur. If you travel through the Intercity Trains of this route, you will travel very fast. So let’s find out about Dhaka to Jamalpur Intercity Train Schedule.
Name Of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Tista Express (707) | 07:30 AM | 11:29 AM | Monday |
Aghnibina express (735) | 11:00 AM | 03:00 PM | NO |
Jamuna Express (745) | 4:45 PM | 9:20 PM | NO |
Bharamaputra express (743) | 6:15 PM | 10:45 PM | NO |
Jamalpur Express (799) | 10:30 AM | 04:05 PM | NO |
Dhaka to Jamalpur Mail Train Schedule
3 Mail Express Trains are running daily on Dhaka to Jamalpur route. If you want to complete your trip at a low cost, you can book Dhaka tickets to Jamalpur Mail Express Train.
However, these trains take a little longer to reach Dhaka to Jamalpur. So if you have enough time, you can travel by Dhaka to Jamalpur Mail Express Train. The fares of these trains are comparatively less than the intercity trains. Let’s look at all the Mail Train Schedules from Dhaka to Jamalpur.
Name Of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Dewangonj commuter (47) | 5:40 AM | 10:22 AM | NO |
Jamalpur commuter (51) | 03:40 PM | 08:48 PM | NO |
Vawal Express (55) | 9:20 PM | 3:22 AM | NO |
NOTE: Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule may change due to various unforeseen reasons.
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price
You have already learned the details about Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule. The Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price is revealed below through a table. The prices we have mentioned here may vary due to various reasons. You have to book a Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket by adding 15% VAT along with these prices. We have mentioned Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price according to each class.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 185 BDT TK |
Shuvon Chair | 220 BDT TK |
First Seat | 295 BDT TK |
First Birth | 440 BDT TK |
Snigdha | 420 BDT TK |
AC | 506 BDT TK |
NOTE: Bangladesh Railways changes its ticket prices for various reasons. Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price is no exception.
You can Book your Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket online Check Here.
We hope you find out more about Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Ticket Price by now. If you have any questions about this, you can share them with us in the comments below. If you like this full post on Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule and Ticket Price, you can stop and share it with your family. You can also Subscribe to our Newsletter to get updated post first.
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