Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Ticket Price & Counters Number 2024
To get all information about Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Ticket Price and Counters Number read the entire post. In here you find out your all queries answer easily.
Teknaf is a small city far away from Dhaka. We would love to share with you Dhaka to Teknaf bus ticket price, bus schedule, and bus counters number.
Teknaf is located in the southern-eastern part of Bangladesh. It is a tourist city. A huge number of domestic and foreign tourists visit the place regularly. The main attractions of Teknaf are, Teknaf – Cox Bazar Marine drive road, Naf river, Teknaf sea beach, evergreen forest, and much more.
Considering the tourists, we have written a blog that includes Dhaka to Teknaf bus ticket prices, departure and arrival times of buses, stoppages, and everything to cover a tour.
Though the Bangladesh railway covers the maximum places of Bangladesh, there is no railway between Dhaka and Teknaf. The only way to go to Teknaf from Dhaka is by bus. You can also go there by helicopter but we think it is a little bit expensive and not affordable for all people.
So the bus is the only companion on this route. Dhaka to Teknaf is a 457.5 km wide route. It is a long route. You will be amused by the mesmerizing natural scenery while crossing this route. We are sure you will enjoy the long route rather than get bored.
Teknaf going buses start from Dhaka and pass Dhaka – Chittagong Highway and Chittagong – Cox’s Bazar Highway and takes almost 10 to 11 hrs to reach Teknaf
We have tried to give you a clear reflection of the route through the underneath chart.
Distance of Dhaka to Teknaf
457.5 KM
Types of Bus
AC and Non AC
Dhaka to Teknaf (First trip)
06:00 AM
Dhaka to Teknaf (Last trip)
09:00 PM
Other Information on Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Route
Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Ticket Price
A large number of buses leave from Dhaka to Teknaf daily. There are many buses on this route so there is a variation in Dhaka to Teknaf bus ticket prices. Bus ticket prices depend on the bus type, and bus service.
AC buses with modern facilities will charge a ticket price high compared to non-ac buses with moderate facilities. Whatever the type of bus, there is a cheap ticket for ordinary passengers who dreamt to be on the Teknaf sea beach.
Dhaka To Teknaf AC Bus Ticket Price
Air-conditioned buses are luxury buses that provide the best quality service to their passenger possible. Some buses have a comfortable sleeping system, and large space in front of the seat, as a result, you won’t realize the long journey even if you are stuck in a traffic jam.
AC buses have two types of seating arrangements. One is business class and another is economic class. The price of an AC bus starts at 1200 Taka and goes up to 2000 BDT Taka for a sleeper bus.
Below is a table with the Dhaka To Teknaf AC Bus Ticket Price.
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Paribahan Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1500 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Paribahan Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Hyundai Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1600 BDT TK
Business Class
2000 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Hyundai Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Travels Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1600 BDT TK
Business Class
2000 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Travels Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Green Saintmartin Express Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1800 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Green Saintmartin Express Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Green Line Paribahan Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1500 BDT TK
Business Class
2000 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf GreenLine Paribahan Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Shyamoli Paribahan Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1500 BDT TK
Business Class
1800 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Shyamoli Paribahan Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Desh Travels Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1000 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Desh Travels Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Saudia Coach Service Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1200 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Saudia Coach Service Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Silk Line Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1000 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Silk Line Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Royal Coach Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1600 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Royal Coach Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Shohagh Elite Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1250 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Shohagh Elite Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Tuba Line Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1300 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Tuba Line Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Non-AC buses are for those who want to travel at affordable prices. With this budget-friendly ticket price, you can visit your desired destination. Non-AC bus ticket prices begin from 900 Taka.
However, some people feel uncomfortable on AC buses for health issues. Non-ac bus is the perfect vehicle for them. The ticket price of the Non-AC bus is comparatively low than the ac bus. These buses also provide quality service to their passengers.
We have come up with a chart of Dhaka To Teknaf Non-AC Bus Ticket Prices.
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Paribahan Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
1100 BDT TK
Business Class
1200 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Saint Martin Paribahan Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Shyamoli Paribahan Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
900 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Shyamoli Paribahan Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Saudia Coach Service Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
900 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Saudia Coach Service Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Tuba line Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
900 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Tuba line Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Royal Coach Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
900 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Royal Coach Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Hanif Enterprise Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
900 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Hanif Enterprise Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka To Teknaf Relax Paribahan Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Seat Classes
Economy Class
900 BDT TK
Dhaka To Teknaf Relax Paribahan Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka is a densely populated city. Nowadays people go on vacation for relaxation so all buses have their counters in Dhaka city. We have collected the addresses and phone numbers of all the bus counters of Dhaka and the Teknaf route.
Dhaka to Teknaf Saint Martin Paribahan Bus Counter
Counter Adress
Phone Number
Arambagh Office Counter
01762-691341, 01762-691339
Fakirapul Counter
01762691350, 01762-691342
Panthapath Counter
Kalyanpur Counter
Chittagong Road Counter
Dhaka to Teknaf Saint Martin Paribahan Bus Counter
Dhaka to Teknaf Green Saintmartin Express Bus Counter
Counter Adress
Phone Number
Gabtali Bus Counter
01875-099128, 01877-720934
Kalyanpur Bus Station Counter
Panthapath Bus Station Counter
01875-099126, 01875-099127
Kalabagan Bus Counter
Fakirapool Bus Station Counter
Arambagh Bus Station Counter
Chittagong Road Bus Station Counter
Dhaka to Teknaf Green Saintmartin Express Bus Counter
Dhaka to Teknaf Green Line Paribahan Bus Counter
Phone Number
Arambagh (167/1 Eden Complex, Arambagh, Motijheel)
+880-2-7192301, 01730060009
Kallayanpur – 1 (4 South Kallayanpur, Sohrab Petrol Pump)
If you miss the bus due to your fault, you won’t get any refund
Don’t smoke on the bus
Take care of your personal belongings,
In the end, we are expecting that you will have an amazing bus journey. We have mentioned Dhaka to Teknaf bus ticket prices and bus counters as well for your comfort. Also, Subscribe to our blog site to get updates first.
This is Srabone Roy, the co-author at BD Ticket Info. I love writing about Travel and tours in Bangladesh. During my short life, I have gained the experience of traveling to various places of interest in Bangladesh. I will continue to help you through my blogs to make it easier for you with this little knowledge. These are my posts to make your trip better. So read all my posts carefully to know the details related to travel. I hope this will help you find answers to your travel questions.
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