A complete list of Tangail to Dhaka train schedules and ticket prices has been compiled. If you want to travel from Tangail city to the capital Dhaka then the Train journey will be very comfortable for you. Every day many people travel from Tangail by train. Naturally, it is known as the busiest route due to its proximity to Dhaka city.
Due to this, more than 11 trains ply this route every day. So you can travel from Tangail to Dhaka by train almost any time of the day if you want. But to complete a smooth journey, you must know about Tangail to Dhaka train schedule, ticket price, and various important things. So our post will help you with all kinds of information from the Tangail route to ticket booking.
Table of Contents
Tangail to Dhaka Train Schedule
Those who regularly travel Tangail to Dhaka Train know this. But since almost different signatures change during train movement for various reasons, it is necessary to know about it for safe travel. But today we will tell you about Tangail to Dhaka train schedule. This route is currently served by both Intercity and Mail trains.
So you can complete your Tangail to Dhaka train journey by booking any train ticket depending on your travel time and requirements. Since more than one train is regularly serving this route, you must first know about Tangail – Dhaka train schedule. So let’s start the discussion on the main topic.
Name of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Sundarban Express – 725 | 03:30 AM | 05:40 AM | Tuesday |
Ekota Express 706 | 05:46 AM | 08:10 AM | No |
Tangail Commuter – 1/2 | 07:07 AM | 09:30 AM | Friday |
Sirajgonj Express – 775 | 07:52 AM | 10:20 AM | Saturday |
Silkcity Express – 754 | 11:09 AM | 01:30 PM | Sunday |
Chitra Express – 763 | 03:20 PM | 05:55 PM | Monday |
Drutajan Express – 758 | 04:57 PM | 06:55 PM | No |
Lalmoni Express – 752 | 05:50 AM | 07:55 AM | Friday |
Padma Express – 760 | 07:25 PM | 09:40 PM | Tuesday |
Dhaka to Tangail Train Ticket Price
As 11 trains run regularly on this route, it is important to know the ticket price of the scheduled train before traveling. Because this will help you to make useful preparations for your trip. As a result, you can complete your Dhaka to Tangail Train journey within a fixed budget. Below is a complete list of Dhaka to Tangail train ticket prices so that you can easily understand them. So check the list before booking the train ticket.
Seat Class | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shevon | 90 BDT TK |
Shevon Chair | 105 BDT TK |
First Seat | 175 BDT TK |
First Berth | 240 BDT TK |
Snigdh | 210 BDT TK |
AC Seat | 240 BDT TK |
AC Berth | 315 BDT TK |
How to Book Dhaka to Tangail Train Ticket Online?
You can book your Dhaka to Tangail train ticket online through the e-ticketing service website operated by Bangladesh Railway. This way you don’t have to spend any extra money on it. You can directly buy the tickets you need through your mobile or PC. To know more details about this click on the link given below.
Read More: Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule | Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule
Now you know details about Tangail to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. So now you can complete Tangail to Dhaka train journey by selecting your preferred train. But if you want to know the answer to any question related to ticket booking or train time schedule then surely you can share with us by commenting below. We are always committed to providing you with the ultimate travel companion. If you like the full post then share it with your friends now.
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