Find all information related to Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule and Ticket Price together. If you want to go to Brahmanbaria from Dhaka, Train may be a suitable vehicle. Because by doing this, you can reach Brahmanbaria very easily and in a short time from Dhaka.
But before completing this journey, you need to know about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule and Ticket Price. By doing this, you can select any train of your choice and reach your destination. So let’s get to know Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule, Ticket Price, and other necessary information.
Table of Contents
- Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Route Other Information
- Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule
- Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Route Other Information
We all know that pre-planning a task makes it easier to do that task more beautifully. Before you travel from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria by Train, you need to know some information as a pre-plan. This will allow you to secure your train journey from any unwanted clutter.
Before you know about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule and Ticket Price, you need to know these things. Let’s take a look at the details of Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Route Other Information.
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Distance | 83 Kilometer |
Total Number of Train (Daily) | 10 |
Total Number of Intercity Trains | 6 |
Total Number of Mail/Express Trains | 4 |
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria (First Train) | Parabat Express (709) |
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria (Last Train) | Turna Express (742) |
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule
We hope you find out more about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Route Other Information through the table above. Let’s find out more about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule. This will allow you to book the train ticket at your convenient time. Here we have shared the latest information regarding all trains on the Dhaka to Brahmanbaria route.
That you can easily travel by Dhaka to Brahmanbaria train with your family or friends. This is a very good thing as this route has 10 note trains per day for their regular service. You can travel by train from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria at any time of the day.
Suppose you do not want to use other vehicles. In that case, you can easily depart from one of the raw stations of your home for Brahmanbaria. Let’s get to know about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule by wishing you the best of health.
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule
Intercity Train is a favorite name of every train travel thirsty. Since you want to travel from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria, this route is not without an Intercity Train service. You can easily get to your destination by purchasing a Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Intercity Train ticket if you wish.
So before buying a ticket, check out the Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule. This will allow you to book tickets according to your preferred train schedule.
Name Of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Mahanagar Probati (704) | 07:45 AM | 09:45 AM | NO |
Parabat Express (709) | 06:35 AM | 08:30 AM | Tuesday |
Upakul Express (712) | 03:20 PM | 05:02 PM | Tuesday |
Jayantika Express (717) | 12:00 PM | 02:12 PM | NO |
Mahanagar Express (721) | 12:30 PM | 03:23 PM | Sunday |
Turna Express (742) | 11:00 PM | 01:34 AM | NO |
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Mail Train Schedule
If you want, you can go by Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Mail Train. A total of 4 trains of Bangladesh Railway are regularly plying on this route. However, Mail Express trains are a bit slower than Intercity Trains. As a result, you will have to spend extra time reaching your desired destination.
If you have some extra time, you can travel from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria by Mail Train if you want. Needless to say, the ticket price is much lower. Find out now from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Mail Express Train Schedule.
Name Of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Chittagong Mail (2) | 10:30 PM | 04:30 AM | NO |
Karnafuli Express (4) | 08:30 AM | 12:30 PM | NO |
Titas Commuter (36) | 02:40 PM | 05:40 PM | NO |
Chattala Express (68) | 01:00 PM | 3:22 PM | Tuesday |
NOTE: Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule may change due to various unforeseen reasons.
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price
Train Ticket from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price is much lower than other places in Bangladesh. There is no substitute for a train to complete a safe and enjoyable trip for little money. For your convenience, below is a table with Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price. Hopefully, this will be of great benefit to you.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shevon | 120 BDT Taka |
Shuvon Chair | 145 BDT Taka |
First Class Chair | 190 BDT Taka |
Snigdha | 240 BDT Taka |
AC Seat | 275 BDT Taka |
AC Berth | 285 BDT Taka |
NOTE: Bangladesh Railways changes its ticket prices for various reasons. Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price is no exception.
Read More: Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule | Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule
If you have read the entire post, you must know more about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule and Ticket Price. These will definitely make it easier for you to complete your trip. If you want to know more about Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule and Ticket Price, please let us know in the comments. We will try our best to give you the right answer to your question.
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2 Replies to Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2024
Hello, Are all trains currently running for the purpose of Dhaka to Brahmanbaria?
Yes, every train mentioned in our post is currently plying regular passengers on Dhaka to Brahmanbaria route. So you can travel to your destination by booking tickets under the train schedule.
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