All information about Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule and Ticket Price is now at your fingertips. Because we will inform you through this blog poster up-to-date Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule and Ticket Price. It is one of the busiest routes in Bangladesh.
If you want, you can travel daily from Dhaka to Narsingdi Train. Because on this route innumerable trains reach other destination from Dhaka via Narsingdi every day. Train Journey has always been a relaxing decade and an active journey. Because you can get to the destination in a very short time.
But first, you have to get a definite idea about Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule and Ticket Price. Which will make it easier for you to complete your trip without hassle. So let’s get the details about this Train Route Other Information including Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule and Ticket Price.
Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Route Other Information
Before traveling by train on this route, you need to know some detailed information about Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Route Other Information. Then you can easily leave for your destination. With this information, you can protect yourself from any kind of unreasonable reasons.
According to us, every train traveler needs to know about Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule and Ticket Price with a comprehensive idea about these issues. So let’s find out about this Train Route Other Information.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Distance | 57 Kilometer |
Total Number of Train (Daily) | 5 |
Total Number of Intercity Trains | 5 |
Dhaka to Joydebpur (First Train) | Egaro Sindhur Provati – 737 |
Dhaka to Joydebpur (Last Train) | Mahanagar Express – 722 |
Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule
Since you have already learned the details about this Train Route Other Information. Therefore we will now try to give detailed information about Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule. With this information, you can get a clear idea about the departure time of each train.
A total of 5 trains run daily on the Dhaka to Narsingdi route. Which is very beneficial for everyone. Because you can travel from Dhaka to Narsingdi by any one of these trains. On this route, 2 intercity and 3 mail express trains run regularly with their communication service. Which is regulated by Bangladesh Railway.
This allows ordinary people to reach their desired destination in a very short time. As a result, an adverse change is being noticed in the communication system of the two places. So if you want to travel this route regularly, you must know the exact information of Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule. So without further ado, let’s easily learn the details of the departure schedule of trains through 2 tables.
![Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule](
Dhaka to Narsingdi Intercity Train Schedule
This route has 2 intercity train services. So if you don’t know about Dhaka to Narsingdi Intercity Train Schedule, you can never travel between these. Let’s take your trip to a more beautiful court to know about Dhaka to Narsingdi Intercity Train Schedule.
Name Of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Egaro Sindhur Provati – 737 | 07:15 AM | 08:31 AM | NO |
Egaro Sindhur Godhuli – 749 | 06:40 PM | 08:00 PM | Wed |
Dhaka to Narsingdi Mail Train Schedule
The Dhaka to Narsingdi Mail Express trains operates their services for 7 days. 3 Mail Express trains are operated to maintain communication between these two stations. The fares of these trains are comparatively much lower. So let’s find out about Dhaka to Narsingdi Mail Train Schedule.
Name Of Train | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Days |
Upakul Express – 712 | 03:20 PM | 04:30 PM | Tuesday |
Mahanagar Express – 722 | 09:20 PM | 10:32 PM | Sunday |
Kishorgonj Express – 781 | 10:45 AM | 12:00 PM | Friday |
NOTE: Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule may change due to various unforeseen reasons.
Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Ticket Price
For your convenience, we will mention the ticket prices of Dhaka to Narsingdi Mail Express and Intercity type train. By doing this, you will know the prices of all the trains through one eye. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.
If you know the ticket price of your desired destination before going to the station, they will be able to buy your ticket. It will also help you to make the necessary preparations for your trip. Let’s go to Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Ticket Price.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shevon | 60 BDT TK |
Shuvon Chair | 70 BDT TK |
First Seat | 90 BDT TK |
First Berth | 135 BDT TK |
Snigdha | 133 BDT TK |
AC | 156 BDT TK |
AC Berth | 236 BDT TK |
NOTE: Bangladesh Railways changes its ticket prices for various reasons. Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Ticket Price is no exception.
Read More: Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule | Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule
Last but not least, you may have already read the entire post to know more about Dhaka to Narsingdi Train Schedule and Ticket Price. If you want to know more about this, you can let us know by writing in the comment box below. If you find the most necessary, share it with your loved ones.
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