Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price list: If the question is what is the cheapest way to travel from Mymensingh city to the capital Dhaka? Then undoubtedly the answer would be train travel. The train journey is very popular to cover this distance of 109.7 KM with pleasure. Because if you travel through this Mymensingh to Dhaka route train you can complete your journey in 2 to 4 hours.
It is for these conveniences that every day countless travel-hungry travelers opt for train travel to travel between these two places. But if you are not traveling this route regularly then it might be a bit cumbersome for you. Because you may not know about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. However, BD Ticket Info will inform you about this in detail today. So here is the complete post to prepare for the journey now.
Table of Contents
Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule
We would like to inform you about the Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule to discuss travel. Around 12 trains of Bangladesh Railway are regularly operated on Mymensingh to Dhaka route. These include some intercity and some mail trains. So passengers can complete their train journey between these 2 places whenever they want. However, you must know about the train schedule as a regular train travel lover.
Because by knowing about this Mymensingh to Dhaka train time schedule you can choose the train of your choice. Because as many trains are plying this route regularly, you must be aware of the timings of each of them.
Mymensingh to Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
Name of Train | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Mohanganj Express – 790 | 02:05 AM | 05:00 AM | Monday |
Jamuna Express – 746 | 04:30 AM | 07:45 AM | No |
Brahmaputra Express – 744 | 09:10 AM | 12:40 PM | No |
Hawr Express – 778 | 10:38 AM | 01:50 PM | Thursday |
Tista Express – 708 | 05:10 PM | 08:25 PM | Monday |
Aghnibina Express – 736 | 08:02 PM | 11:00 PM | No |
Mymensingh to Dhaka Mail Train Schedule
Name of Train | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Vawal Express | 5:30 AM | 11:45 AM | No |
Jamalpur Commuter | 7:33 AM | 11:15 AM | No |
Isha Khan Express | 12:00 PM | 11:00 PM | No |
Balaka Commuter | 01:45 PM | 05:25 PM | No |
Dewangonj Express | 03:33 PM | 07:15 PM | No |
Mahua Express | 05:22 PM | 09:25 PM | No |
You have already known the relationship between Mymensingh to Dhaka intercity and mail train schedule from the above tables. However, express trains usually do not transport passengers on all days of the week, but mail trains transport passengers regularly. So select your favorite train for a seamless journey any day.
Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Trains running on Mymensingh to Dhaka route usually have 11 types of tickets. You can book your tickets directly from your nearest railway station or online. But before that, you must know about Mymensingh to Dhaka train ticket price. Through this, you can see the ticket price according to the seat class of each train required. So now the new updated train ticket prices are from the table below.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Second Class General | 35 TK |
Second Class Mail | 50 TK |
Commuter | 60 TK |
Sulov | 70 TK |
Shovon | 120 TK |
Shovon Chair | 140 TK |
First Class Seat | 185 TK |
Snigdha | 271 TK |
First Berth | 280 TK |
AC Seat | 322 TK |
AC Berth | 483 TK |
Mymensingh to Dhaka Online Train Ticket Booking

Bangladesh Railway has launched an online ticket booking service for every route to make the journey of passengers more comfortable. As a result of which travel hungry passengers are booking train tickets at home according to their destination very easily. If you don’t want to go to the railway station and buy the ticket, then you can visit the official website of Bangladesh Railway and book the ticket according to your desired travel date. So, to book your Mymensingh to Dhaka train ticket online click on the button.
You can also read our related post – Bangladesh Railway Online Train Ticket Booking Process. It will guide you (A to Z) about Mymensingh to Dhaka online train ticket booking.
Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price Video Guide
Read More: Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule | Dhaka to Akhaura Train Schedule
Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price have already been discussed in detail with you above. Apart from this, the procedure has been informed so that you can book your train ticket online very easily. So book your tickets as per your preferred travel date without delay. If the person is your favorite then definitely share with your family or friends.
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