Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Ticket Price
Bus Ticket

Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Ticket Price and Schedule 2024

Qatar Airways Dhaka Office

All the information including Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Ticket Price will be informed to you through this post. From the capital city of Dhaka, you can travel to Saidpur by bus. Day by day the bus transport service of Bangladesh is making tremendous progress. In continuation of this, many bus transport companies are providing regular passenger transport services from Dhaka to Saidpur.

Usually, within 7-8 hours, you can reach Saidpur city by bus. So for those who travel by bus regularly, the journey will surely be very beautiful and pleasant. But passengers who have never traveled this route before have no idea about the bus ticket prices. So we are going to discuss this with you today through this writing.

Table of Contents

Information on Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Route

We will now discuss some important points to make your trip more enjoyable and comfortable. From where you can get a detailed idea about Dhaka to Saidpur bus route. This information is given below through several eyes. Where popular buses, the total distance from Dhaka, etc. for this route are available.

Distance Between Dhaka to Saidpur331.7 KM
Bus TypeAC Bus and Non-AC Bus
Total Bus7
Travel Time8 Hr 50 Min
Popular BusHanif, Nabil, Ena, SR Travels, Haque Enterprise, Shyamoli, Ahad Enterprise

Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Ticket Price

Bus travel always creates new sensations. Most of the time passengers are not aware of the bus fare. This is a common issue. But if you want to know about the list of Dhaka to Saidpur bus ticket prices, then you can easily find it through the eyes below.

To make it easy for you to understand this fare list, the price of AC and Non AC tickets has been published separately. By doing this you can book the ticket according to the prescribed category of the bus of your choice.

Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Ticket
Dhaka to Saidpur Bus Ticket

Dhaka to Saidpur Non-AC Bus Ticket Price

First, we want to inform you about Non-AC Bus tickets. Because the demand for Non-AC Bus tickets is relatively high among passengers, if you want to travel from Dhaka to Saidpur in a very short time then you can complete it by booking Non-AC tickets.

Bus Name Seat Type Ticket Price
SR Travels Non-AC 750 TK
Nabil Non-AC 750 TK
Hanif Enterprise Non-AC 750 TK
Haque Enterprise Non-AC 700 TK
Shyamoli Non-AC 750 TK
Ahad Enterprise Non-AC 650 TK

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Dhaka to Saidpur AC Bus Ticket Price

Those who usually want to travel with their families in a more relaxed environment can travel from Dhaka to Saidpur by booking AC Bus Ticket. At present around 4 means of transport regularly provide AC transport services for passengers on this route. So let’s know about Dhaka to Saidpur AC bus ticket price.

Bus Name Seat Type Ticket Price
Nabil AC 1400 TK
Ena Transport AC 1000 TK
Hanif Enterprise AC 1400 TK
SR Travels AC 1200 TK

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You can easily book Dhaka to Saidpur bus tickets by contacting your nearest counter directly. But definitely fix the date of your travel while booking. Because bus companies don’t refund tickets.

You can travel from Dhaka to Saidpur by any of the above-mentioned buses. So travel to your destination by selecting the bus of your choice. The Dhaka to Saidpur bus ticket prices we have shared above is changing regularly. So you can know about the current ticket prices from the official counter of the nearby buses.

But of course, before the departure time of the bus, you will wash at the designated counter. Otherwise, you may face various problems during the travel period. If you want to know more about the topic then share it with us by commenting below. We are certainly willing to facilitate any kind of travel-related assistance.

Addi Sarker

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