Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule and Ticket Price
Train Schedule

Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2024

Qatar Airways Dhaka Office

Know all the issues related to Dhaka to Ishwardi train schedule and ticket prices. Trains have always been very popular with travelers traveling to Ishwardi from Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. As a result, this route is now regularly operated by Bangladesh Railways. As a result, you will be able to reach your destination easily without any problem.

But before starting your train journey you must know Dhaka to Ishwardi train schedule and ticket price list, which will help you to select the right train and see the ticket price. So let’s introduce each topic separately.

Table of Contents

Other Information about Dhaka to Ishwardi Train

Every traveler should take better note of the two destinations before traveling by train. In this, you must know some essential information for Dhaka to Ishwardi train travel. This must be known before knowing Dhaka to Ishwardi train time and Ticket Price. So let’s get to know these things through a chart.

Dhaka to Ishwardi Distance205 Kilometer
Total Number of Train05
Dhaka to Ishwardi (First Train)Sundarban Express (08:15 AM)
Dhaka to Ishwardi (Last Train)Benapole Express (11:15 PM)
Other Information about Dhaka to Ishwardi Train

Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule and Ticket Price

You have already got some idea about the trains running in Ishwardi. So now you can know about Dhaka to Ishwardi train schedule and ticket prices. It will surely help you to know about the right train selection and ticket price list. Below are the timetables and train lists for India separately. Through this, you can understand every subject very easily.

Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule

First of all, we want to tell you about Dhaka to Ishwardi train schedule. Because when you know when a train is plying this route you will be able to select the right train. By this, you can book tickets according to your travel time and convenience.

Name of train Departure Arrival Off Day
Sundarban Express (726) 08:15 am 01.00 pm Wednesday
Silk City Express (753) 02.45 pm 07.35 pm Sunday
Padma Express (759) 11.00 pm 03:20 am Tuesday
Chitra Express (764) 07:00 pm 11:15 pm Monday
Benapole Express (796) 11:15 pm 04:05 am Wednesday
Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule

Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Ticket Price

You have already learned about the schedule and other things. So now I will tell you about the Dhaka to Ishwardi train ticket price. Here will be presented separately for each train seat. By this, you can know about the ticket price according to your seat demand. So let’s know about the list of Dhaka to Ishwardi train ticket prices without wasting time.

Seat ClassesTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shevon245 TK
Shevon Chair295 TK
First Seat390 TK
First Berth585 TK
Snigdha490 TK
AC585 TK
Ac Berth880 TK
Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Ticket Price

Read More: Dhaka to Panchagarh Train Schedule | Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Schedule

You have learned the details about Dhaka to Ishwardi train schedule and ticket prices in this. You can book tickets online or directly from your nearest railway station. Through this, you can complete your Dhaka to Ishwardi train journey very easily. But if you want to know more about the said topic then definitely share with us by commenting below.

Addi Sarker

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