Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule and Ticket Price
Train Schedule

Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2024

To know all information about Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule and ticket price read the complete post. It will help you to get the correct decision according to your travel destination.

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You got a long vacation and want to spend it in Khulna. Then you need to know the Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule and ticket price. We will discuss the train schedule, name, number of trains, and their substations.

Khulna is located in the southwest of Bangladesh. You will enjoy beautiful landscapes on both sides of the train while traveling towards Khulna by train. You can reach Khulna from any part of Bangladesh but it is easier by train from Dhaka.

Sometimes you search the internet to know about Khulna trains. Today we have come up with the latest information of Dhaka to Khulna Train schedule & ticket price. Keep reading and learn more.

Table of Contents

Train Route and Other Information of Dhaka to Khulna

Dhaka- Khulna railway is the longest railway in Bangladesh. It is because this railway has linked as many areas as possible. Bangladesh railway officials note the distance between Dhaka and Khulna is 404 KM whereas Bangladesh national data shows it is only 271 KM.

The distance is much longer than the road. Whatever the distance is, people, move by train due to less ticket price of the train than a bus ticket. Another reason is that train journeys are much more comfortable than others. So you need to know about the Dhaka to Khulna train schedule.

Distance 404 KM
Total Number of Train2
Total Number of Intercity2
Total Number of Mail0
Dhaka to Khulna (Fast Train)Sundarban Express
Dhaka to Khulna (Last Trai)Chitra Express
Train Route and Other Information of Dhaka to Khulna

Dhaka to Khulna Train schedule

Only 2 Intercity trains run on this route. These are Chitra Express and Sundarban Express. They carry all the passengers  There is no mail train.

It takes almost 7 to 8 hours by train to reach the destination from Dhaka. Despite the short distance on the road, people go by train to avoid traffic jams, dust, and road accidents.

You have to be present at the station at least 20 minutes before leaving the train. That’s why you should know the Dhaka to Khulna train schedule and we are here to let you know this.

Name of Train Train Type Departure Arrival Off Day
Chitra Express-764 Intercity 07:00 PM 03:40 AM Monday
Shundarban Express-726 Intercity 08:15 AM 5:40 PM Wednesday
Dhaka to Khulna Train schedule

Note: Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule may change due to unavoidable reasons

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Dhaka to Khulna Train Sundarban Express-726

Sundarban Express is one of the popular trains on this route. It runs 6 days a week at 08:15 AM and reaches 5:40 PM at Khulna station. Sundarban Express is closed on Wednesday.

It has four types of seating arrangements. You can choose your seat according to your budget.

Dhaka to Khulna Train Chitra Express-764

When you are looking for the Dhaka to Khulna train schedule, you must know about Chitra Express. It is the most popular train between Dhaka and Khulna train routes. The train is named after Chitra the river.

It starts the journey every 6 days a week at 7:00 PM from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station and reaches Khulna at 3:40 AM. Monday is Chita Express’s day off. There are four types of seats in Chitra Express.

Dhaka To Khulna All Substations According to Train

Dhaka – Khulna railway trains cover a huge number of substations. Sundarban Express stops at 21 substations while Chitra stops at 19.

Here we have mentioned all the substation and departure times of Sundarban Express and Chitra Express respectively so that you can get into the train from your nearest station.

Shundarban Express Substation from Dhaka to Khulna

Kamalapur08:15 AM
Biman Bandar Station08:47 AM
Joydebpur09:17 AM
Tangail10:30 AM
BB Setu East10:55 AM
SH M Monsur Ali11:24 AM
Jamtail11:34 AM
Ullapara11:49 AM
Boral Bridge12:11 PM
Chatmohar12:27 PM
Ishwardi01:20 PM
Bhairamara01:43 PM
Poradaha02:04 PM
Alamdanga02:23 PM
Chuadanga02:45 PM
Darsana Halt03:18 PM
Court Chandpur03:44 PM
Jashore04:24 PM
Noapara04:56 PM
Daulatpur05:21 PM
Khulna05:40 PM
Dhaka to Khulna Shundarban Express Substations

Chitra Express Substations from Dhaka to Khulna

Kamalapur 07:00 PM
Biman Bandar station07:32 PM
Joydebpur07:58 PM
Tangail09:00 PM
BB Setu East09:25 PM
SH M Monsur Ali09:53 PM
Ullapara10:12  PM
Boral Bridge10:31 PM
Chatmohar10:47 PM
Ishwardi11:35 PM
Bheramara11:58 PM
Poradaha12:29 AM
Alamdanga12:38 AM
Chuadanga12:58 AM
Court Chandpur01:43 AM
Mobarakgong01:54 AM
Jashore02:24 AM
Nuapara02:55 AM
Khulna03:40 AM
Dhaka to Khulna Chitra Express Substations

Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price

Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price
Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price

There are differences in the price of train seats. Each train has differently priced tickets. For better seating arrangements you have to buy more expensive tickets.

Let’s look at the table which has given the ticket price of both Sundarban Express and Chitra Express.

Sundorban Express Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price

Class Adult Ticket Price(15%VAT) Child Ticket Price(15%VAT)
Single Chair 505 BDT TK 335 BDT TK
Snigdha 966 BDT TK 639 BDT TK
AC Single 1,156 BDT TK 765 BDT TK
AC Berth 1,781 BDT TK 1,195 BDT TK
Sundorban Express Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price

Chitra Express Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price

Class Adult Ticket Price(15%VAT) Child Ticket Price(15%VAT)
Single Chair 505 BDT TK 335 BDT TK
Snigdha 966 BDT TK 639 BDT TK
AC Chair 1,156 BDT TK 765 BDT TK
AC Berth 1,781 BDT TK 1,195 BDT TK
Chitra Express Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price

Note: Dhaka to Khulna Ticket Price may change due to unavoidable reasons

Read More: Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price | Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Ticket Price

Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Booking

You have already learned about the Dhaka to Khulna train schedule and ticket price. Now you must be wondering about the process of ticket booking. It is so simple. Go to your nearby railway station and buy a ticket.

You can book your ticket online. In this process, you can book your ticket sitting at home rather than going out.

We have described all information in detail. We have collected this information from the Bangladesh railway website so there is no hesitation of misguiding. We want you to have a wonderful train journey and for this, we have written Dhaka to Khulna train schedule and ticket price.

Addi Sarker

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